Monday, August 24, 2009

It started with a boy

Kind of strange, but everytime I think of him I get the picture of Mowgli in my head.

Being 11 or 12 years old seems like a really long time ago. The end of innocence.

It started when we where playing with his Big Jim dolls. It was always some jungle adventure where the heroes had to fight wild animals and cruel villains. The fights where fierce in our imaginary jungle, where men with oversized muscles used to beat on each other.

But something suddenly changed in these fights. From nowhere a new behaviour emerged when the toys would stop fighting and start kissing instead. Bodys where bent into new and exiting positions that allowed for strangly arousing humping. Big Jim was all of a sudden getting blowjobs instead of uppercuts and lefthooks from his adversaries.

Something new and exiting had stated to fill our mind. I can't remeber from where this new knowledge came, but it was soon consuming us.

We left the dolls on the floor and focused on each other. Two young boys that had'nt even reached puberty yet. He was one year younger then I and had a very slender and tanned body. I remember thinking of him as beautiful. I was also a skinny lad then, but a little bit taller and bigger then him.

We started to show each other our tiny boy-cocks. Marvelled when we got erections and they grew infront of our eyes. Soon we started to touch each other and we took turns putting it inside our mouths, sucking and licking. I even got to put mine up his ass, but I never returned that favor.

Sadly during the end of that summer we started to feel guilty about our naked adventures. We where getting more and more afraid that someone would caught us in the act or that it somehow would show just by looking at us.

When school started we went to seperate shools and our lifes got more and more separeted over time.

But something new had started that summer... something exiting and wonderful.

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